

Today's Inspiration and Foggy Days

A fellow film photographer is also an EXTREMELY talented song writer and singer. (I Had NO idea!) Thank you Laura for this song. This had been on non stop and was MUCH needed for me today.

The last few days for me have been lost in fog.
I don't want to get out of bed.
I need the rest of the world to stop so I can.
I am beyond crying, just numb.

I am grateful for friends who have acted on what they did not know was inspiration to call, to drop a FB note, to write incredible songs, to ask the right questions, and to post inspirational articles and thoughts. For friends that treat me like a best friend when we've know one another for weeks, to invite me to secret clubs. For dropping the weekend to drive all the way up here to see me to help me get me through a lonely night.

I am grateful for a mother, father, sisters and a brother who I can call, who check up on me, who call just to talk about nothing.

I am grateful for a child who loves, who cuddles, who smiles and whines for me.

And I am most grateful for a husband who, despite not understanding my dark days, does his best to surround me in light and goodness.
Who sends me to bed for another few hours while he watches the kids.
Who gives me space, who gives me time, and foot rubs, and kisses and hugs...
and a LOT of Patience.
Who loves me unconditionally and shows me everyday.

Thank You Friends.
I pray to be worthy of it all someday.


  1. Of all of the sweet comments and responses I have received over the last few days, yours is the ONE that made me cry. I'm not sure what you're going through, but I am beyond happy to have made you breathe a little easier or smile even for a brief moment. Love you & sending prayers your way!


  2. Thank you so much for your honesty on your blog. I think everyone has someone in their life that suffers with depression. I so wish I could take it away so you would be happier. I wonder though would you have the same passion that you do, if you didn't struggle. We all love you so very much.


Thoughts? Questions? Comments?