

Film is not Dead and a really sad story

(Grab a box of tissues because seriously this is a really sad story.)
Recognize this couple from an earlier post? An earlier post that read "more film is not dead photos coming soon" ?. They aren't coming, well at least as many as I would have liked. Back in October I attended a knock out workshop by Jon Canlas, known as the FILM IS NOT DEAD workshop. IT ROCKED ME. It was incredible, the amount of info I learned, the people I met, the passion I felt. I was floored and shot, I don't know, 25 rolls of film? Well I got my scans back from Richard Photo Lab and oh my... most of my rolls are completely blank, nothing on them. I think, "no worries" something must have uploaded wierd onto the computer, no deal. I call RPL and they send me a photo that looks like this...

that's half of my rolls, in which 5 complete rolls turned out. LAME-O. apparently my minolta x-700 broke, I had no idea, and I shot the entire 3 days on it. I was devastated, seriously I left work and cried for an hour.

Lesson: don't shoot with a really old camera that you haven't used in some time, and get it checked out before you do.

I have to admit the experience kind of terrified me about using film but I got over that real real quick. THe shots that did turn out were just incredible, the color, the shadows, the warmth and texture. That cannot be replicated in digital, and don't care what you say. So, I have been shooting film like mad and incorporating it more and more into my shoots. I'm crazy about it, crazy crazy! One day ladies and gets... one day I'll shoot 100% film.

That's my rambling for the day. It's 1am, Lusi is asleep and I should be too. night.


  1. OH my gosh. I don't know what I would do. Devastation, Sharon. So sorry.

  2. When I read this, it reminded me of my trip to Europe. I only had my regular 35mm film camera with me back then, and if that happened to those pictures, I don't know what I would do. Those moments in life can never be revived. That's so sad, I'm sorry that happened to you. :(


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