Will look something like one of these:
Are they not stunning? I am astounded by large home libraries and I dream of the day I have one in my home. I picture mine having large built in white shelves with a circular stair case climbing to the balcony that surrounds the open 2nd floor. Oversized love seats and wing-backed chairs are a must and possibly even a hammock placed somewhere in the corner. Of course the entire room will be surrounded by massive windows which prevent me from ever needing to turn on lights during the day to read.
I remember seeing My Fair Lady for the first time and falling more in love with Professor Higgins library than Miss Dolittle's ball gown. Much of the inspiration for my future library comes from this stunning room.

I crave the day I get to create my own library and save the books that are so precious to me, in a place that is deserving of their storage. Kindles will not be allowed, no nooks, and no i-pads. Only tangible, hard-bound, crisp, paper smelling books. Until then, I'll look to my one shelf library and continue to dream.

I have a friend whose husband is an anesthesiologist. He just got his first job in Virginia and they bought a colonial-style (new) home. You should see this place, Sharon (blog is private). The solarium, the library, the wainscoting, it's a dream home come true. But especially the library.