

Creepy Little Clowns

(mamiya 645 400h, scanned and developed at THE laboratory)

McKenna and Grant and had a great Lusi's birthday!
(I love that birthdays are more for the older kids than for the actual kid having the birthday.)
That day was actually one the the most fun days I have had of watching the kids. They were happy helping decorating and coloring banners and signs, and when the slightest whine sufacedI would just threaten them with not being able to come to the party and wahlah! no whining ... it was great! Things really got crazy when they decided the birthday hats were clown hats and needed accompanying red noses.
"ya guys, that is awesome and super silly... and not creepy at all......."

I'll post an entire post dedicated to Lus' big day but how could I NOT give these little squirrelies their own post?

ps. Did you hear about my new pricing?


  1. these taken with the elan? and fuji 400? These are so crisp and yummy? RPL or walgreens?

  2. Nope. The new Mamiya 645. 400h. manual focus if you can believe it. I'm in love, the giddy kind. :)


Thoughts? Questions? Comments?